The day i came back home from Hyderabad, i got myself engaged into new role of TRAVELLER fully sponsored by MAHINDRA SATYAM :P.I have decided to travel and explore INDIA instead of just sitting at home munching Pop-Corn and getting glued to the idiot box. I started my first trip within my home state which i have mentioned in my earlier blog. So i decided to continue this trend and on 3rd August i got the chance to move out of my comfort zone. I left by train on 3rd August to Delhi. I planned to spend 7 days in Delhi but the humid and hot weather of delhi made me change my mind and i decided to move further to Jaipur. As Jaipur is a much better to live during the month of August.
So just after Raksha Bandhan i booked my ticket to Jaipur in ASHRAM EXPRESS but this time i decided to go in Sleeper class as it's just 5 hours journey. The good thing about that
journey was that i completed one complete book "KEEP OFF THE GRASS". That was surely an achievement for me.This year God of rain is not happy with people of North and everywhere the climate is too bad to live and jaipur was the same. Actually the reason of going to jaipur was two pending tasks- First i haven't received my college security and secondly i haven't received my passport since Jan 2008. Another wonderful thing is that Bagga's destiny changed from Pune to Jaipur. Thank GOD to SWINE FLU scare in Pune :P
After a gap of 8 months, i was again in college as an Alumni. WOW! What a feeling. I met my juniors, the thadi wala, canteen wala and ofcourse how can i forget to mention our loving MAI. She must be around 75+ and sits the whole night at thadi to sell ciggies. One day i got a chance to meet one of my most feared teacher----MR Rakesh Bairathi and MR NSU(Actually i still don't know his actual name and everyone used to call him nasu. "WHat's there in a name", rightly said by Rabindranath Tagore). Frankly speaking during my whole college life i hardly spoke to any prof casually and when i left college i didn't even bothered to get blessings from them. But this time as i saw them i bowed before them and sat with them for nearly half an hour. We talked casually and i didn't feel any fear of talking to my Prof. The lesson i learnt is that we never know where our destiny is and whether we are going to visit the place we assumed to have left forvever.
Bagga came the day after my arrival and we enjoyed, Boozed and smoked our way till he left. Now all the fun is over and get back to work. I had to goto Dean Academics for querying about my security. The thing i don't like is talking to these petty clerks. They are so rude and talk to you as if they are the boss and you are no one before them. I have seen officers begging before them. I kept coming to office for 4 days and the reply that i got everytime is that the cheque will take 6 months and will be sent by post and won't be handed over to the candidate. What the crap???? What kind of rule is this???? A full 5 Feet 4 inches candidate is standing in front of you and they can't hand over the cheque. Thinking logically if they hand it over to me it will save them time and money of posting it but i think they have other intentions(Interpret other as you like)!!!!! So i walked out of the office and smoked hastily and decided not to think about it again. I will wait for 6 months and if i didn't receive any cheque then i will teach them a lesson.
Task 2- Passport Office. Passport office being close to my college, i decided to stay at college the night before.I boozed that night and was late by an hour to passport office.
Actually i had planned to go at 8 to passport office but the hangover next day caused me penalty of a day without work and that too when i stood in the line for 4 hours. Just when i reached the enquiry window, the time was over. The next day i reached didn't repeat my mistake and reached an hour earlier. But still the line was way too large. I wondered whether these people have no work to do and how early they got up to stand here. But this time again i was unlucky because the guy told me to deposit 2 forms the next day but i realized that the next working day will come after 3 days. That meant 3 days captivity in Jaipur. I was getting sucked from this place but i had to complete the formalities. So i gathered courage and deposited the forms on next working day and the same day i packed my bags and set off for DELHI.
I told Dad about my departure for delhi when i ha already took a bus to delhi. The bad news now- Autowalas were on strike. I said to myself,"No problem. I will take Metro. No need of Auto". But again my Kismat was no good to me. I reached 1 hour late and i had no option to catch Metro. Now no Auto, no Metro, what next!!! It was 10:30 P.M and location was Delhi. I was scared from inside but showed no signs from outside. I hired one taxi to Dwarka. Saala these taxiwala take advantage of strike and hiked their fare by almost double. The deal was fixed at 600 but i had no option. He was driving through the busy lanes of delhi as if he were Schumacher. My heart was pumping Ultra fast and could come at any moment. I was hell scared. I had no idea of where that guy was taking me. When i saw some familiar signs of Dwarka i felt light and finally i reached my destination without having sexual assault. Actually that guy was becoming too friendly and seemed gay to me.
Back in Delhi i got my new assignment- Typing thesis for my sister. So. i am now a full fledged Social Worker, at home as well as outside. One day i was lucky enough and got the chance to taste Delhi Traffic during Monsoon. I swear i would never ever do that in future and advise not to travel in Delhi after heavy rain. I was at East of kailash. Rain lasted for 1 hour but it was strong enough to make headlines in every news channel. Every nes channel advised not to travel for 3 to 4 hours but i did otherwise. I left at 6:30 from East of Kailash in and auto. It took me 100 mins to reach central secretariat. Apart from the frustration of Jam, there were Delhi Girls all over. They were enjoying the mild rain and were looking gorgeous. Finally, I boarded the Metro to Dwarka.
Metro main mast scene huya baap. Everyone was busy informing their families and friends. One guy standing next to me was typing some message. It was for his Girlfriend and i commit a crime by reading his message. I won't write here what i read but one thing i will say is that the message was
super sexyy.
Finally on 23rd August i returned to Jammu by train. This incident shows the irresponsible Indian Railways doesn't care for passengers. The Platform that was displayed for my train was 8. So i reached platform 8 and sat there waiting for train to come. I was a bit apprehensive about the platform i was standing because there were very less passengers on that platform. Then i asked one guy at IRCTC cafe about the train and then he told me that the train i was waiting was standing on other station. I rushed to other platform. Thank God i was aware and had enough time that i had no problems. Their were other passengers who were also caught in the crisis like me. So Ms Mamta, it's good that you have started Toronto express and ladies special but most important thing is that all of this is a waste when information
system is faulty. It is as important as other things.
I am back in home. As life is a random function, i am not going to plan anything for future. I will just live in present and make my present happy and joyous and let the future be automatically be shaped according to it.
I will be back with more very soon..........................................
hey nitish no issue but jaipur and delhi clubbed together do not make INDIA as your title suggest
anyway ...
blog was too lengthy
i read it only because it took me back to college :)
and make it clear dude not every friendly guy is GAY
@ Mr controversial
Hey man i have started my journey and i haven't said i have finished it...it's only the phase one
U cheap pervert, reading others message.
But yes, I agree with bagga only for one thing, Life is a Random function
@ Tarun
Ya i know that and i have appologised in my blog about my mistake but what more can i do?? I will never ever repeat such act again
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